Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm learning so much......

The more I learn about trafficking, the more my heart breaks. My mom and I attended W.A.R's day of prayer on July 11. There were about 200 people at the event in a banquet room of a beautiful golf course. We were able to hear from W.A.R. staff and a lady from homeland security. Here are just a few statistics I learned from homeland security:

In 2009 a man was arrested for selling 89 children in Detroit Michigan.

Atlanta, Georgia has 300 children for sale each month.

Los Angeles, California has 3000 children for sale a month!

Florida residents sold a 14 year old at a sleepover for $300,000 on craig's list.

Middle class neighborhood girls start recruiting other young girls for prostitution.

"Oral Sex is the New Goodnight Kiss": Leigha, 15 says:'The youngest girl I recruited was 10. I didn't care. I'd just bring in all these stupid little girls.'

The sex industry has grown so much in the US that MSNBC started hosting" Sex Slavery in the Suburbs"

The average age of entering prostitution in the US is 12 years old!

There are about 100,000 prostitutes in the US between the ages of 9 & 19.

The face of USA trafficking is underage...beginning in the cradle. Even here in my home state of Michigan!

Live feeds are the hottest trend for pedophiles. This includes infant bondage. Horrors beyond what anyone could even dream up!

A man in California posted a live feed of a rape of a 6 month old baby.

This is an outcry! This is in the land of the free. Why are we letting our children fall into this? We have become immune to the sex abuse here. How many times do we turn on the news to hear of a parent beating or molesting their own children? Or teachers? Why on earth was the case of Mary Kay Letournea glamorized? This was a teacher who had a baby with her 13 year old student and after being released from jail they later married. This is awful! Why do we allow predators to marry their victims and go on with a "normal life".

When I first got involved with W.A.R. my heart was so heavy for the young girls in Asia. It still is. But now it is also breaking for our children who suffer in silence. Even when we hear about abuse in the media, it's so common we almost just shake our heads & say "what a shame" For now all I can do is get on my knees and pray. I know prayer is so powerful and I beg you to join whenever & wherever you can. Pray for the precious helpless children suffering all over the world. Not only are their lives at risk of being trafficked, but they will be likely to repeat the cycle when they grow up.

Thank you Lord for precious children. Hold them safely in your arms...........