Friday, March 19, 2010


To hear this man's incredible testimony, please pause my playlist at the bottom of this screen!

thanks. now get ready to be inspired!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

He Reigns! Glory in the Highest!

Life has been busy! We have all of our forms in to the agency and have been waiting patiently for the next step to become Foster Parents!!! I just can't wait to have some more little ones running around here!

Speaking of little ones, tonight I have been moved to tears over the news of little ones in my friends' lives! Just to share a couple brief things with you that our wonderful FATHER has been doing:

1) My friend had a sweet baby girl a couple weeks ago. Saraiah had several complications (see below) groups from our church prayed over her. She is just over 2 wks old and is defying all odds. She went from having hours to live to holding up her head, being more alert & gained a half a pound. She is truly a living miracle. This is a post from my friends sister:

We’ve all received chain emails that tell us to forward it on to 10
other people, promising some kind of reward. Participating in this
chain email could save a life.
On January 4, Saraiah Hamlet was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan to
Jeremiah and Veronica (Holwerda) Hamlet. She was born weighing 5
pounds with Down Syndrome and numerous heart defects. The
prognosis was very bad and she was taken to the University of
Michigan so some of the top surgeons in the country could evaluate
her. A dozen doctors surrounded her bed looking at multiple
echocardiograms, and it was determined that the defects in her
heart were too great. The best option was to take her back home
for the remaining short time. All life support was removed on
January 9 and we were told she could live 4 hours or a week, nobody
Prayers from family, friends, acquaintances, and people we don't
even know have kept her alive for over a week now. 600 people in
Africa attended a special prayer meeting for her, some of them
walking miles to be there. Several churches in various parts of
India are praying for her as well as people in Egypt. Churches
and prayer groups all over have been lifting prayers on her
behalf and her vital signs continue to be strong and are even
improving. Because we believe so strongly in the power of
prayer we ask you to pray for Saraiah’s life. God is listening
and we need more voices. We want to see this email spread
around the globe and lead to a testimony of miraculous healing.

2)Our friends from church have been on a LONG journey to bring home a sweet baby boy, Grady, from Haiti. Grady will be flying into US this week yet. A local private plane will take our friends to meet him and bring him home finally! A blessing out of this tragedy that has struck Haiti. Can't wait to meet the precious boy! I think he may get a bit spoiled by a few Crossroads members :)

3) One of my dear friends gave birth to healthy twin boys :Jaxton & Grayson. Another friend gave birth to her beautiful Isabelle (Izzy). Praising God for the miracle of birth & for these precious additions to my friends' lives.

4) We have several friends who are foster parents without any kids to parent, until recently! So excited that our FATHER has brought busy little blessings in these friends lives after such long waits!


We have had the privilege to be a part of an incredible group at our Church! We are called Abba's Answer.

Abba's Answer to the Children's Cry.
Based on Exodus 22:22-24
"You shall not afflict any widow or orphan.
If you afflict him at all,
and if he does cry out to Me,
I will surely hear his cry..."

Abba's Answer to the Children's Cry is first and foremost a prayer team. A group of people dedicated to be warriors on behalf of the orphan. Through prayer, awareness and whatever else is asked of us from our Heavenly Father.
This is through 3 different venues...
1. Orphan care- overseas and local orphans in orphanages. Mission Trips, etc. All to care for the orphan.

2. Adoption- Local and International adoption. Taking one of these precious ones as our own.

3. Foster Care- helping to care, rehabilitate and love on children in the midst of where they are in the system.

Loving them all with the love of Abba

My God is MY Father!
My God is SO faithful!
My God is SO loving!
My God is THE healer!
My God is Provider!
My God STILL does Miracles!
My God IS Holy!
MY GOD REIGNS!!!!!!!!!!!

I love my God more than I could ever put into any words. Thank you Father for so much undeserved love.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cha cha cha changes.....

School's in full force! Soccer season is over, football starts tomorrow night. Swimming lessons & AWANA Programs started a few weeks ago for both Eddie and Henry. I work in Eddie's class every Monday morning for about an hour. It's nice to see the kids in the classroom setting and do more one on one with them. I do have to say, I'm not a morning person & Monday's are not my most pleasant! What on earth was I thinking when I signed up for this?? Well, I must not be too much of a grump because the teacher hasn't talked to me yet!

Dave and I are in the process of becoming FOSTER PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!! We have one more class and then the home study. we have always talked about adopting "someday". We decided this is something we can do as a family until we are ready to adopt. We can be the loving stable home for the kids who need it. We didn't have a particular age in mind but a few social workers suggested keeping our kids' birth orders. Eddie says he's ok with someone older, but I think he might change his mind after a few weeks. (If not sooner!) So, now we are thinking ages 6 & under. We thought about keeping the birth order & saying 3 & under but that will close the door on so many. We will just trust our Father to entrust us with a child that we can be the most influential with. He knows what we will be able to handle better than we do. I have been adding touches to the bedroom of our soon to be kiddos. I want it to be perfect but it's hard to decide what to do for a boy or girl who could be 6 or could be a few weeks old. I think it will be fun if they are old enough to give me some input too. Eddie thinks it's too girly b/c it's so many bright colors (too many colors he thinks-like a rainbow.) There are no rainbows-except the one on the picture Eddie painted. I had each of the boys pain a canvas to hang in the room that we will let the kids keep when they move on to their "forever home" I figure we'll do it each time we have a new child come into the home.

We are involved in a group at our church that is an orphan prayer group. This is in the works of just getting started & I can't wait to see what it will evolve into. There are couples who are adopting either domestic or international, there are foster parents, there are a couple of people who go to Africa each year to work with the orphans & they are going to bridge the gap from Grand Rapids to Zambia. We also want others to get involved as prayer partners, babysitters, mentors. The couple who started the group presented their dream to the board and our board not only backed us all but set up a fund (we're not sure yet what we will need the fund for but it's there!) Our Father is so incredible! As we are in the beginning stages of reaching out to the children and bringing them into light, we are all getting attacked from satan. Our husbands have felt it from work. we've all felt it in finances. The mothers have felt it in battles with the kids. One of the girls in our group said "we have not laughed in our home for the longest time" satan is trying to bring us down, but this is something he can't defeat! We are standing firm in our faith. We are bringing love and hope to the most vulnerable. Dave and I pray that through the children that come into our home we can build a bond with their mothers and get involved in their communities. We can't wait for our children to be a part of this. We want them to realize how important to be Jesus to everyone we meet. This will start by the people we bring into our home.

Father thank you for this opportunity and for all the wonderful support we have!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Heavy heart

Now that summer is over :( I'm back in more of a routine :) I have been hosting W.A.R. home parties over the summer. I have sold about 14 or 15 goats in the last 3 months! I get so very excited about the goats. I am just happy people open their homes to hear about human trafficking and get involved even if they weren't to purchase anything (which has never happened!)

Today I volunteered with a friend from The Hope Project. This is a safe house opening in West Michigan that will house girls ages 12-17 who have been rescued from sex trafficking right here. So, today Amanda & I passed out almost 600 fliers in downtown Grand Rapids (this is the 4th day they've been down there-all together passed out 2,000 fliers) We hit up alot of the visitors for Artprize I would say about 90% of the people we talked with were interested (or at least pretended to be) in what we were talking about. We weren't selling anything or asking for any money-just bringing awareness. Out of that 90%, 25% wanted more info to get involved or were already involved in anti trafficking, and another 25% had to be told repeatedly that this IS happening right here in Grand Rapids. It's not just a "big city" problem.

However, I had a FEW people that were down right rude. Sure, they probably thought I wanted money, or was selling something obnoxious, but they seemed upset I had even taken 15 seconds of their day. Here were some of the responses "Not interested", "Doesn't effect me", "there's more important things", "yeah right, like people really sell girls around here", "trafficking happens b/c of all those religious people" (I don't even think that last one makes sense-maybe they didn't know what trafficking even was) But I think the looks people gave were most disturbing. I know a few out of almost 600 for the day shouldn't bother me, but for some reason they do. AND I tend to let it fester to the point of bitterness toward these "ignorant people" That is SO not the way my heart/attitude should be responding. I just need to be praising my Father for the people who have a heart for this and needed the info they received. I need to be praising HIM for the safe house for the victims. I need to be praising HIM for the freedom to even go out and pass out this info and bring awareness that maybe could help someone.

Bitterness is something I have always struggled with. As far back as I can remember, if there were something said about me or someone who just didn't like me, I could never just let it go. I would agonize over what could I have done to deserve the rumors/dislike from someone? And if I didn't think someone had a good reason for not wanting to become friends, I grew bitter towards them. If someone hurts me, I hold a grudge even IF they've asked for forgiveness. That grudge turns into bitterness. When I have bitterness in my heart there's just a little less room for the Love of Jesus I am supposed to be portraying throughout my life everyday. It is flat out SIN. I can blame it on insecurities, I can blame it on just being human. But I just need to step up and take the blame. No one is causing me to become bitter. I am responsible for my own heart and my own bitterness issues. I need to let go. I need to surrender all to HIM. I need fall on my face. Honestly who am I? When bitterness creeps into my heart who am I? Certainly NOT who my Father wants me to be. Certainly NOT a loving sister. I am too busy focusing on "whose done me wrong" to worry about anyone else. I become so selfish. My bitterness turns me into a selfish pity party. That is NOT who I want to be at all.

Father, forgive me. Take my heart that is full of my selfishness, bitterness, my filthy SIN. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness and renewal, but I know you are a gracious, healer. Heal me LORD. Wash my filthiness in the blood of the cross. Purify me. I want people to see YOU when I look into their eyes. I want people to see YOU in my day to day routine. I praise you for being so faithful when I am not. Lord, it IS my desire to follow YOU and I get so discouraged when I take the focus off you and put it where it doesn't belong. Carry me back to the foot of the cross. I am too stubborn sometimes to follow you there. Just carry me Father.

And, Father, hold these precious girls. Protect them form the preditors. Let someone show these girls their true worth & they have value in you. Protect the volunteers and residents of The Hope Project. Thank you Lord for new beginings every day. Thank you for your promises and protection, your provision and HOPE.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm learning so much......

The more I learn about trafficking, the more my heart breaks. My mom and I attended W.A.R's day of prayer on July 11. There were about 200 people at the event in a banquet room of a beautiful golf course. We were able to hear from W.A.R. staff and a lady from homeland security. Here are just a few statistics I learned from homeland security:

In 2009 a man was arrested for selling 89 children in Detroit Michigan.

Atlanta, Georgia has 300 children for sale each month.

Los Angeles, California has 3000 children for sale a month!

Florida residents sold a 14 year old at a sleepover for $300,000 on craig's list.

Middle class neighborhood girls start recruiting other young girls for prostitution.

"Oral Sex is the New Goodnight Kiss": Leigha, 15 says:'The youngest girl I recruited was 10. I didn't care. I'd just bring in all these stupid little girls.'

The sex industry has grown so much in the US that MSNBC started hosting" Sex Slavery in the Suburbs"

The average age of entering prostitution in the US is 12 years old!

There are about 100,000 prostitutes in the US between the ages of 9 & 19.

The face of USA trafficking is underage...beginning in the cradle. Even here in my home state of Michigan!

Live feeds are the hottest trend for pedophiles. This includes infant bondage. Horrors beyond what anyone could even dream up!

A man in California posted a live feed of a rape of a 6 month old baby.

This is an outcry! This is in the land of the free. Why are we letting our children fall into this? We have become immune to the sex abuse here. How many times do we turn on the news to hear of a parent beating or molesting their own children? Or teachers? Why on earth was the case of Mary Kay Letournea glamorized? This was a teacher who had a baby with her 13 year old student and after being released from jail they later married. This is awful! Why do we allow predators to marry their victims and go on with a "normal life".

When I first got involved with W.A.R. my heart was so heavy for the young girls in Asia. It still is. But now it is also breaking for our children who suffer in silence. Even when we hear about abuse in the media, it's so common we almost just shake our heads & say "what a shame" For now all I can do is get on my knees and pray. I know prayer is so powerful and I beg you to join whenever & wherever you can. Pray for the precious helpless children suffering all over the world. Not only are their lives at risk of being trafficked, but they will be likely to repeat the cycle when they grow up.

Thank you Lord for precious children. Hold them safely in your arms...........

Monday, June 29, 2009

Here's to the good times and the hard times......

Had another jewelry party at my sister's house. We raised over $1900! Thank you for women who love to shop & not only do they walk away with something beautiful, they also support the rescued girl who made the precious piece they bought. My heart was so heavy the day of the party. I had just gotten an email re: a precious friend who is being persecuted for her faith and ministry. I felt so distracted I was sure it was going to be a flop. God is so faithful though and the girls weren't there to hear me, but to support a great cause. We were also able to sell a few more goats!

Saturday I was able to catch up with a precious consultant who also went on the circle tour this past February. It was great. Even though it was just for like 45 minutes in the mall parking lot, it was so good to see her and be encouraged by her. She has such a heart for wounded women. She also does photography & donates a portion of her earnings to Women At Risk. I just get so excited to hear different stories of women all over using creative ways to support W.A.R.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. I was able to go to an open house for a girl who went on the Circle Tour. There were several girls from the trip there and 2 ladies from Bangkok! I was so thankful to see them again and spend a few precious moments catching up with these beautiful ladies! But my heart is still heavy. I had a bit to catch up with Becky (she is the founder & president of Women @ Risk & also lead our circle tour) She was encouraging when it came to our dear friend. Our friend is strong & she is not afraid. Becky said going into missions is like a Cop choosing to be a Cop. There is a known risk involved but the passion is greater than the fear of that risk. Of course I have heard stories about persecuted and threatened missionaries, but have never had a friend face these same threats. I know God is in control. I also know there may come a day when we all may have to face persecution for our beliefs. I love my sister and know she is safer in Gods hands than anywhere else. It's still hard.

Dave and I are taking the first few steps in the next chapter of our life. I found out in the 45 minutes spent in the mall parking lot that my friend is starting the same chapter!! We spent sever giddy minutes laughing about this and about our friend's reactions! We are ready though. We are excited and ready.

So here's to the good time. The hard times and the times to come. And we place them all in our Father's loving hands.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jewelry Consultant

I am now a Volunteer Jewelry Consultant for Women At Risk. I officially went through our "training day" last week. I have done a party for my Grandma's church, assisted Becky McDonald at a home party and just hosted my own home party on Monday night. I had a great turn out! We were crammed in my little house. We had a great time! We cried tears of pain for the victims. We were filled with Hope that only comes from our Father! And we shared in LOTS of Laughter over some of the silly things from the W.A.R. chest and the goat project! I sold 8 goats that night!! We now have goats out there named hope, love, joy, gammy, yaya, otis, papa, & dad. The girls had just as much fun naming the goats as we had pigging out over all the food! I am so thankful for this ministry. I am thankful for the bond I share with my sisters in this ministry! I am thankful for the opportunity this ministry brings to give hope to the wounded & lost & to share Christ with everyone. I do NOT like public speaking, but somehow this has come with such ease & comfort. It's such an incredible cause that so many long to learn more about & do what they can to help. I am excited for my next party next week! What girl doesn't love girl time, food, fellowship, jewelry, supporting a great cause?? I absolutely LOVE what I am doing! It doesn't feel like volunteer work (although lifting these huge heavy tubes is more of a workout than I have ever done!!) It just feels great to love what I am doing and know it is something with a great meaning! Thank you Father for giving me this opportunity!