Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the waiting game....

My lesson from (Beth Moore's) Esther this week is on waiting. When is it the right time? When is it time to wait? When is it the time right for me or someone else?? It's a great study and this is a great lesson for me. I CANNOT wait for anything-ever. I can NEVER wait for presents. Dave has never surprised me with a gift b/c I bug him so bad he caves in so I'll leave him alone. I'm not good at waiting on answers, appointments....anything. I have NO patience and struggle with the "wait and see" game.

When Dave and I were just married we were landlords of a real cute (and OLD) duplex. we had the kitchen remodeled. when we tore down the walls we found old treasures! Someone in the house must have had a drinking problem and tried to hide the whiskey bottles behind the kitchen cabinets. We found bottles from 1930 (one of them had mouse bones in it so we left that in the wall) we found a program from Grandville prom in the 50's and old cards. most of the stuff had been chewed a bit by mice (??) we kept one whiskey bottle & put the rest in a box with some of our own little memories for the next person who tears down the wall. These treasures were so fun to discover b/c they were from so long ago. If we had torn into a wall that was only a year old, we would not have found anything too unique. It would not have been the right time.

There is something I have been struggling with for a while now and God (and Dave) keep telling me to wait. BUT I DON'T WANT TO WAIT!! I'm too used to living in a world of fast food, my internet compatible cell phone, instant messaging, express lanes. Who waits for anything anymore? Lord, I need patience. I need to focus on God's timing b/c He has the best plan for me in store. It's obvious He is telling me to wait-for who or what? I'm not sure. I'm also not good with subtle so I will need the answer on a neon billboard saying "IT'S TIME!"

Ok, Lord. I'm putting this struggle in Your hands for you to open and prepare for me when we are ALL ready! I won't put it behind a wall, just in my open hand for you to take (and take care of my heart.....)

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

Hey! I just read what you wrote and I REALLY needed it! I am in the process of joining the kids in India....Open Arms for Asia......and I really needed to hear what you wrote!! THANK YOU!.......


I attend Cross Roads as well!